
This is a set of evaluations which will be used in a publication. The original set of evaluations, WDCC for EGU, has to be updated in order to allow a consistent comparison to other FAIR evaluation methods presented in publication. Because, the assessments associated with the project WDCC for EGU have been finalised and cannot be amended anymore, this new project is invoked.


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Project Assessments (32)

Assessment Metrics Date
Target Rubric   A standardized ID or accession number is used to identify the dataset. The dataset is described with metadata using a formal, broadly applicable vocabulary. Information is provided on the experimental methods used to generate the data. The dataset is hosted in an established data repository, if a relevant repository exists. The dataset can be downloaded for free from the repository. Version information is provided for the dataset. Contact information is provided for the creator(s) of the dataset. Information is provided describing how to cite the dataset. Licensing information is provided on the datasetÂ’s landing page.
2402231, dataset: cmip5 output1 MPI-M MPI-ESM-MR 1pctCO2 day atmos day r1i1p1 v20120523 pr The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) Jun 4, 2021
2437924, dataset: cmip5 output1 NCC NorESM1-M rcp45 day atmos day r1i1p1 v20121031 ta The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) Jun 4, 2021
3501559, dataset: MODIS__Arctic__MeltPondFraction__UHAM-CliSAP-ICDC__v02__12.5km__8day (ds) The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) Jun 4, 2021
2230553, dataset: dataset of QUIKSCAT_L3_25K_WIND_DD The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yesbut (0.75) yesbut (0.75) yesbut (0.75) yesbut (0.75) no (0.00) no (0.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) Jun 4, 2021
3526950, dataset: WRF12_MPIESM_HIST_1999-2006_mrrlsl_3H: soil_moisture_content The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) nobut (0.25) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) Jun 4, 2021
3878830, dataset: ssp585_r2i1p1f1-HR_RCM-eh6_rcm_c6_133 : RCM forcing variables from ECHAM6 atmosphere - gaussian grid The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) nobut (0.25) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) Jun 4, 2021
2216468, dataset: mil0026_JSBl_mm_NET_ASS: Canopy Net Carbon Assimilation The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) no (0.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) Jun 4, 2021
2005800, dataset: EH4_OPYC_SRES_A2_APRS The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) nobut (0.25) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) Jun 4, 2021
3881413, dataset: storm_tide_1906 HZG trim grid2 DWD 1hr The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) nobut (0.25) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) nobut (0.25) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) Jun 4, 2021
2164174, dataset: Radar reflectivity measured by C-Band Radar at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Data available from 01.06.2007 to 31.08.2007. The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) nobut (0.25) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) Jun 4, 2021
3801057, dataset: HD(CP)2 short term o. cloudnet - aerosol classification data of Cloudnet products (no. 00), HOPE campaign by LACROS, data version 01 The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) nobut (0.25) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) Jun 4, 2021
3565392, dataset: OceanRAIN-R_RV-SonneII_DBBE_NOV2014-APR2017_UHAM-ICDC_v1_0.nc The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) Jun 4, 2021
2032577, dataset: NH20020427_V02.DAT The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) nobut (0.25) no (0.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) Jun 4, 2021
2402114, dataset group: cmip5 output1 MPI-M MPI-ESM-MR 1pctCO2 The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) Jun 4, 2021
3456259, dataset_group: cmip5 output1 NCC NorESM1-M rcp45 u1 The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) Jun 4, 2021
3520184, dataset_group: Dataset Group: WASCAL WRF12 with mpiesm historical forcing; years 1999-2006 The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) no (0.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) Jun 4, 2021
2216112, dataset_group: Dataset Group: millennium ensemble experiment mil0026, JSBACH data The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) no (0.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) Jun 7, 2021
2230067, dataset_group: cops_radk_cband: radar data from C-Band Doppler Radar run by FZK-IMK during COPS 2007 The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) no (0.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) Jun 7, 2021
3758143, dataset_group: HOPE campaign 2013: LACROS Cloudnet data (HOPE_LACROS_CLN) The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) nobut (0.25) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) Jun 7, 2021
2339666, experiment: cmip5 output1 MPI-M MPI-ESM-MR The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) Jun 7, 2021
2258746, experiment: cmip5 output1 NCC NorESM1-M The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) Jun 7, 2021
3501558, experiment: MODIS__Arctic__MeltPondFraction__UHAM-CliSAP-ICDC__v02__12.5km__8day The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) Jun 7, 2021
2230549, experiment: SeaWinds on QuikSCAT Level 3 Daily Gridded Ocean Wind Vectors The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yesbut (0.75) yesbut (0.75) yesbut (0.75) yesbut (0.75) no (0.00) no (0.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) Jun 7, 2021
3519345, experiment: WASCAL WRF12km with MPI-ESM MR r1i1p1 forcing from the CMIP5 historical experiment The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) nobut (0.25) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) Jun 7, 2021
3878773, experiment: CMIP6 ScenarioMIP DWD MPI-ESM1-2-HR ssp585_r2i1p1f1 - RCM-forcing data The FAIRshake dataset rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) nobut (0.25) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) Jun 7, 2021