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FAIRshake's website and source code is distributed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.


If using FAIRshake for academic work, please cite our publication:

Daniel J. B. Clarke, Lily Wang, Alex Jones, Megan L. Wojciechowicz, Denis Torre, Kathleen M. Jagodnik, Sherry L. Jenkins, Peter McQuilton, Zachary Flamholz, Moshe C. Silverstein, Brian M. Schilder, Kimberly Robasky, Claris Castillo, Ray Idaszak, Stanley C. Ahalt, Jason Williams, Stephan Schurer, Daniel J. Cooper, Ricardo de Miranda Azevedo, Juergen A. Klenk, Melissa A. Haendel, Jared Nedzel, Paul Avillach, Mary E. Shimoyama, Rayna M. Harris, Meredith Gamble, Rudy Poten, Amanda L. Charbonneau, Jennie Larkin, C. Titus Brown, Vivien R. Bonazzi, Michel J. Dumontier, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Avi Ma’ayan
FAIRshake: Toolkit to Evaluate the FAIRness of Research Digital Resources Cell Systems (2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cels.2019.09.011