Use of a formal, accessible, shared, and broadly applicable language for knowledge representation.


The unambiguous communication of knowledge and meaning (what symbols are, and how they relate to one another) necessitates the use of languages that are capable of representing these concepts in a machine-readable manner. - The language must have a BNF (or other specification language) - The URL resolves (accessible) - The document has an IANA media-type (i.e. it is sufficiently widely-accepted and shared that it has been registered) - The language can be arbitrarily extended (e.g. PDBml can be used to represent knowledge, but only about proteins)

FAIR Metrics: I1


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Metric Assessments (258)

Assessment Metrics
Target Rubric Project   Use of a formal, accessible, shared, and broadly applicable language for knowledge representation.
NHLBI TOPMed: MGH Atrial Fibrillation Study dbGap Study Rubric Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Program
no (0.00)
NHLBI TOPMed: The Genetics and Epidemiology of Asthma in Barbados dbGap Study Rubric Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Program
no (0.00)
NHLBI TOPMed: Cleveland Clinic Atrial Fibrillation Study dbGap Study Rubric Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Program
no (0.00)
NHLBI TOPMed: Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine Whole Genome Sequencing Project: ARIC dbGap Study Rubric Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Program
no (0.00)
The Cleveland Family Study (WGS) Repositive Discover datasets rubric FAIRness of Repositive Discover datasets
no (0.00)
NCBI-Hackathons/hackathon_v001_rnaseq NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/hackathon_v001_epigenomics NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/hackathon_v001_metagenomics NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/HASSL_Homogeneous_Analysis_of_SRA_rnaSequencing_Libraries NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/RNA-seq_Comparison_Pipeline NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/NCBI_August_Hackathon_Push_Button_Genomics_Solution NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/seqr NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/Pharmacogenomics_Prediction_Pipeline_P3 NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/movetest NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/DASH_cell_type NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/Community_Software_Tools_for_NGS NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/Educational_Resources NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/Resources_for_Designing_Hackathons NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/Structural_Variant_Comparison NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/iMETRIC NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/Metadata_categorization NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/Network_SNPs NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/SRA2R NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/Structure_Visualization NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts
NCBI-Hackathons/rnaseqview NCBI Hackathon Rubric NCBI-Hackathons: FAIRy-COMPASS FAIRness assessment of NCBI Hackathon PProducts