FAIRness of Alliance of Genome Resources


FAIR evaluation of the repositories in the Alliance of Genome Resources



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Project Assessments (166)

Assessment Metrics Date
Target Rubric   Licensing information is provided on the tool’s homepage. The tool has a unique name and an informative description. The tool can be freely downloaded or accessed from a webpage. The tool utilizes a community-accepted ontology. Tutorials for the tool are available on the tool’s homepage. Source code is shared in a public repository and is documented. Previous versions of the tool are made available. Contact information is provided for the creator(s) of the tool and information describing how to cite the tool is provided. The tool can be accessed programmatically through an API and follows community standards for open APIs. Licensing information is provided on the tool’s homepage. A standardized ID or accession number is used to identify the dataset. The dataset is described with metadata using a formal, broadly applicable vocabulary. Information is provided on the experimental methods used to generate the data. The dataset is hosted in an established data repository, if a relevant repository exists. The dataset can be downloaded for free from the repository. Version information is provided for the dataset. Contact information is provided for the creator(s) of the dataset. Information is provided describing how to cite the dataset. Licensing information is provided on the dataset’s landing page. The structure of the repository permits efficient discovery of data and metadata by end users. The repository uses a standardized protocol to permit access by users. The repository provides contact information for staff to enable users with questions or suggestions to interact with repository experts. Tools that can be used to analyze each dataset are listed on the corresponding dataset pages. The repository maintains licenses to manage data access and use. The repository hosts data and metadata according to a set of defined criteria to ensure that the resources provided are consistent with the intent of the repository. The repository provides documentation for each resource to permit its complete and accurate citation. A description of the methods used to acquire the data is provided. Version information is provided for each resource, where available. ANISEED database The metadata includes a title for the data resource Taxonomies in use are clearly defined and use community accepted terminology Domains in use are clearly defined and use community accepted terminology
The Rat Genome Database: Data (Cell Lines) The FAIRshake dataset rubric
                    yes (1.00) yes (1.00) no (0.00) yes (1.00) no (0.00) no (0.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75)                           Sep 4, 2018
FlyBase The FAIRshake repository rubric
                                      no (0.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00)         Sep 25, 2018
FlyBase: Vocabularies The FAIRshake tool rubric
  no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00)                                             Sep 26, 2018
WormBase The FAIRshake tool rubric
  no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00) no (0.00)                                             Oct 19, 2018
FlyBase: BLAST The FAIRshake tool rubric
                                                                Jun 4, 2019
Pathosystems Resource Integration Center (PATRIC) The FAIRshake repository rubric
                                                                Jan 27, 2020
FlyBase The FAIRshake tool rubric
                                                                Sep 17, 2020
cyNeo4j The FAIRshake tool rubric
                                                                Apr 12, 2021
FlyBase: Batch Download The FAIRshake tool rubric
                                                                Jun 5, 2021
WormBase FAIRSharing Rubric
                                                                Aug 10, 2021
FlyBase The FAIRshake tool rubric
                                                                Oct 27, 2021
Mouse Genome Informatics Datasets The FAIRshake dataset rubric
                                                                Oct 27, 2021
MouseMine The FAIRshake tool rubric
                                                                Oct 27, 2021
Mouse Genome Informatics: MGI Prototypes Area The FAIRshake tool rubric
                                                                Oct 29, 2021
Mouse Genome Database (MGI) The FAIRshake repository rubric
                                      yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) nobut (0.25) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00) yesbut (0.75) yes (1.00)         Oct 29, 2021
Saccharomyces Genome Database The FAIRshake repository rubric
                                                                Oct 12, 2022