Blackfynn Discover


Blackfynn Discover is a resource where anyone can find and access public datasets published through the Blackfynn platform. The platform is used by a large number of academic laboratories to publish complex large Neuroscience datasets.

Tags: Neuroscience Large Data FAIRdata


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Project Assessments (4)

Assessment Metrics
Target Rubric   A standardized ID or accession number is used to identify the dataset. The dataset can be downloaded for free from the repository. Contact information is provided for the creator(s) of the dataset. Licensing information is provided on the dataset’s landing page. The structure of the repository permits efficient discovery of data and metadata by end users. The repository provides documentation for each resource to permit its complete and accurate citation. Version information is provided for each resource, where available. The metadata includes a title for the data resource The metadata includes a description of what the data is about no cost to access the data resource Whether there is a scheme to uniquely identify the digital resource Machine-readable metadata that describes a digital resource is available. What is the degree to which the digital resource can be found using web-based search engines. What is the nature and use limitations of the access protocol. Specification of a protocol to access restricted content. Use of a formal, accessible, shared, and broadly applicable language for knowledge representation. Relationships within (meta)data, and between local and third-party data, have explicit and ‘useful’ semantic meaning The existence of a license document, for BOTH (independently) the data and its associated metadata, and the ability to retrieve those documents That there is provenance information associated with the data, covering at least two primary types of provenance information
Multi-scale rabbit cardiac electrophysiology models FAIRshake JSON-LD Rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00)                  
Multi-scale rabbit cardiac electrophysiology models Repositive Discover datasets rubric
Molecular Phenotype Distribution of Single Rat Intracardiac Neurons FAIRshake JSON-LD Rubric
Multi-scale rabbit cardiac electrophysiology models FAIRshake JSON-LD Rubric
yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00) yes (1.00)